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How To Deal With An Aggressive Driver Tailgating Your Vehicle

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Why Tailgating Can Be Dangerous

Tailgating is a dangerous act of aggressive driving that can lead to severe injury or death. It occurs when a driver follows too closely behind another vehicle, often without leaving enough distance for them to safely react in an emergency. This behavior can be extremely hazardous, as it reduces the reaction time of both drivers and increases the risk of a collision. It is even more dangerous when the tailgating driver is going faster than the vehicle they are following. When an aggressive driver is tailgating your vehicle, it can be a frightening experience. It can also be difficult to know what to do in this situation.

The Dangers of Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is a major cause of road accidents, injuries, and fatalities. It is defined as any type of unsafe behavior that puts other drivers at risk. Aggressive driving can include speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights, and not yielding to other vehicles. It is estimated that aggressive driving is a factor in up to half of all car accidents. When an aggressive driver is tailgating your vehicle, it is important to take precautions to avoid a crash.

How To Stay Safe When You’re Being Tailgated

If you notice that a driver is tailgating your vehicle, the first thing you should do is not panic. It can be difficult to remain calm in this situation, but it is important to stay focused on the road and keep your cool. If possible, pull off the road and let the tailgater pass. If this isn’t possible, try to maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and the tailgater. Do not speed up or slow down, as this could make the situation worse. Also, do not make any sudden lane changes, as this could lead to a collision.

What To Do If You Feel Threatened

If you feel threatened by an aggressive driver, it is important to call the police. You can pull over at a safe location, such as a gas station or parking lot, and call 911. Make sure to provide the police with a description of the vehicle and its license plate number. You can also call the non-emergency number to report the incident. This can help prevent the driver from engaging in this type of behavior in the future.

How To Avoid Tailgating

If you are the one tailgating, it is important to be aware of your actions and take steps to avoid this behavior. Make sure to leave plenty of room between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This will give you more time to react in an emergency. Also, avoid speeding and be mindful of changes in traffic flow. If you find yourself getting too close to the vehicle in front of you, slow down and give yourself more space.

What To Do If You Witness Tailgating

If you witness another driver tailgating, you can help by reporting it to the authorities. If you have a dashcam, this can be a great way to provide evidence of the incident. You can also call the police and provide a description of the vehicle and its license plate number. This can help deter the driver from engaging in this type of behavior in the future.


When an aggressive driver is tailgating your vehicle, it is important to remain calm and take steps to protect yourself and other drivers. Make sure to leave plenty of distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you, and do not make any sudden lane changes. If you feel threatened, call the police and provide a description of the vehicle and its license plate number. You can also help by reporting tailgating incidents to the authorities. By following these tips, you can help make the roads safer for everyone.

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